Oglethorpe Sturton & Gillibrand

Solicitors in Lancaster

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16 Castle Park

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business law, dispute resolution, law firm


Oglethorpe Sturton Gillibrand....

The firm of Oglethorpe Sturton & Gillibrand has been established for over 150 years. We have a long tradition of satisfying generations of clients, while striving to move with the times and keep ahead of the competition by providing expertise and professionalism.

There are many reasons for employing our firm as you seek the legal remedy you are after. Here are just a few...

Outstanding service, Value for money, Expert advice from all lawyers, Traditional approach - modern outlook, Efficient and personable, Reliable and trustworthy, Attention to detail, Putting the client first, Excellent reputation.

Firm Profile

At OSG, we recognise people often turn to us when they are under pressure and so we work side by side with them to achieve the best results. The bedrock of our business lies in the close working relationships that we build with our clients. They trust us to do what is best for them and always put them first.

We promise to be professional yet friendly, proactive and cost-effective. We will always give you clear legal advice and make sure you understand what lies ahead.

Whether you are looking for a solicitors for a personal injury claim, need outside help resolving a dispute, want advice on personal and premises licenses or if you need someone to setup a landlord and tenant agreement for you, contact OSG Solicitors in Lancaster on 01524 846846 and you may find you are just a phone call away from finding peace of mind.

As a Solicitors' practice we are bound by a Code of Conduct which can be viewed at the SRA website

Oglethorpe, Sturton & Gillibrand and OSG are trade names of Oglethorpe, Sturton & Gillibrand LLP which is registered in England under number OC343759. Our registered office is 16 Castle Park, Lancaster LA1 1YG. A list of our members is available from the registered office on request.


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